Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #26

8 hours, good stuff.

Map generation is redone to take one second longer. During that second all the tiles are spawned a semi-random distance from their starting location at 0,0,0 scale. Over that second they slide into position and adjust their scale to fit their position. This effect also happens in the background of the map selection screen so that players can see what map they will be selecting. The map created from hovering a button on the map screen never spawns players or pickups. Redid the map grid spacing process to accommodate maps with non-standard numbers of tiles or rows. This new system is allowing me to enter data for more maps. Five more maps are in now. Various fixes from the morning where forgotten because all this is really important. Particles completely broke?

Project #8 Day #27

Project #8 Day #25