Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #9 Day #8

4 hours, first enemy seems done. Also painted some windows, that's neat.

Ooze day! Oozes move along 3 different paths when they are on path movement. These paths are now prefabs attached to the ooze script. On the turns oozes pause for 0.1f seconds. The pathing options are now baked into the instantiator object, as well as selecting which corner the oozes will start in. Minimized public variables to make it easier to deal with. Balistas are now obstacles. The side checkers on oozes no longer kill the player. Enemies no longer give cash when they damage the player on death. Got the sprites for spikes. Those should be way easier to make. The ooze path following and looping actually took a couple hours cause I've never done that before, looking at the end result its really simple.

Project #9 Day #9

Project #9 Day #7