Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #9 Day #23

8 hours, Boston Major tho!

The game loop is complete but not pretty, and not pretty is fine for this one for now. When a player fails for the first time in a run a respawn indicator appears one block below the point at which the next tile configuration was instantiated (always a basic platform). After a brief delay the indicator is replaced with a new player, play continues. On the second failure,  a button appears that says 'again'. Clicking it will reset the game. A wall has been placed behind the player that slowly advances upward. It is a one shot. When it connects with the player it retreats downward, off screen, and destroys itself. This wall is spawned off every player instantiation. This wall is tethered to the player so that it can only be a certain distance away before getting dragged along with the player. Fixed pushers not instantiating their secondary pushers. Broke then fixed sliding and being launched. The good news is that now the game distinguishes between the player's collider and its childrens' colliders. Also fixed rare bug where a player could fall through ice if they were technically between two touching tiles during travel.

Project #9 Day #24

Project #9 Day #22