Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #7 Day #8

Short day, makin dollars, 4.5 hours. Watched some chess on the side today, a Russian Grand Master vs the World Champion. They played for two and half hours in 5, 3 and 1 minute blitz/bullet games. Interesting to see how the clock effects the strategies that both players go for. Glancing over now and again (and admittedly just watching a chuck of the 1 minute games) it was striking how the board always seemed so nicely organized.

The upgrade menu entries now have a slider that indicates the percent an upgrade is to its max level, there is also text that now details the effects that the current level is having on resource gathering. Made space in the entry organisation for this new component, it is functional and scales. Cleaned up a couple instances of scaling happening every frame. Upgrade buttons can no longer be pressed if the player does not have the sufficient cash to purchase the upgrade which makes coding buttondown functions much easier. Lastly the first 4 upgrades are now in the game and effect the gathering of dosh (but i'm not sure if in the same way as in Eggs Inc.) and the regeneration of the ice bar. I'll figure out the price scaling and the method the upgrade stacking tomorrow. I also feel like my implementation of upgrade effects isn't great, it works, but I'll probably smooth it out to make readability easier for myself.

Project #7 Day #9

Project #7 Day #7