Didn't code yesterday, made money tho. Slept bad plus 3 days of serving boba meant I needed a day off.
Today, 5 hours. Felt like a bit of a dud even though I kept busy. Mostly spent time organizing and collecting data today. I added in the upgrades associated with increase the maximum Rush multiplier, and those function well, but aren't priced correctly. Fixed the issue with rushes resulting in the game thinking there were a negative number of patrons on screen. Also fixed some issues with the rush multiplier display and value. Took a couple hours to grab the data on the cost of the first 4 tiers of upgrades out the game. I couldn't find the information online so I had to do it myself. Still more data to grab out. But the first tier of upgrades in my version are now priced correctly. In the process of gathering price information I corrected other pieces of information within the game as well. Came up with an organizational structure for the way upgrade will be displayed that I like in theory and a few more upgrade concepts and themes to round out the tree. Very little coding today other than fixing a couple things, didn't like that, but a lot of ideas are now nicely typed up so I can't lose track of them. Doesn't help that my stomachache feels like ass.