8.5 hours, net and spell casting from the queue. LCS is back! And Carver comes back tomorrow too. Loads of good stuff for the background has arrived. Gosh, I've been misspelling queue up to this point...
Limited notes because at the 3 hour mark I got absorbed and didn't write notes on the white board. The majority of Caitlyn's E is in the game, 90 caliber net. It is a spell with a short channel time followed by a push back. I have not yet enabled the player to cast peacemaker during the dash back. The net will send the player back a fixed distance if the landing zone is walkable terrain. This allows players to clip through geometry so long as the end point is in a walkable position. If the player would land in unwalkable terrain then things get complicated. A ray is cast to find the point at which the player will contact blocking geometry. This will give a point on the player's side of the geometry. If this point is in an unwalkable node a function is called from the pathfinding script that searches for the closest available walkable terrain node. The player will make that node their dash end point instead of the point in unwalkable terrain. The dash then executes. You can now queue up spell casts during the time that the player is locked out of action. This required a little fandangling of cast functions to know if the current request comes from the que, and thus the spell can be cast using attached data, or if the request is fresh, in which case the game need pull the data from the current mouse position.