Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #57

8 hours, save phase portal drain.

Save stage 2 checks if the player has hit the upgrade threshold with their current pick up count. If so, the player's gun is upgraded, a save is created, the game continues. Otherwise a call is made to the portal for assistance. The portal will then drain itself empty, or until it has generated enough pick ups for the player to meet the gun threshold (the portal visually drains and the pick ups created are a new pick up type that only increases pick up count and always homes in on the player). Another check against the threshold is made after no more pick ups are present. If the player passes, their gun is upgraded. If the player fails, they are advised to load a previous state. Save is made, game continues.

Removed all references to easy/hard mode.

Rewrote the portal's visual update function so that the portal can deconstruct as well as construct.

Project #14 Day #58

Project #14 Day #56