8 hours, the conversion begins.
Reading and watching tutorials. Gathering up the information I want to consume this week. Seems like the tools are quite flexible, has solutions to the prefab issues I've had in Unity. Back in conformably over my head for the time being, we'll see how fast I can wrap my head around this thing.
The goal this project is to get an understanding of the Unreal Engine. Enough proficiency to create spaces, decorate them, run a character around them, give that character a gun, tweak and change that gun, and then start in on making some FPS AI. My current long game is to make an entertaining FPS level. Because I am switching engines this month, I'm unsure whether setting that as the goal is reasonable, more data to come. So the tentative goal is get a grasp of Unreal that sets me up for a strictly level design project. This goal could change as we go.