8 hours, new portal wall material.
Within a phase, portal components whose thresholds have been fulfilled become a bright green. At the end of a phase, after siphon for upgrade, the remaining glowing components solidify into the less luminous, 'solid', material. Added this functionality to the inner wall material.
This building method has been applied to the starting portal and play area portal. For draining, the solid layer is pulled off to show glow then the component is removed at once.
The save evaluation report has a new line that plainly states if the segment was improved or discarded. Reduced font size.
Solved an issue where dying in the intro before player power was drained would result in the player having access to gun 2 on respawn.
Changed the build order on portal components to always be one column at a time, never alternating sections from each column.
Seems like the lurkers in the intro are finally consistently spawning while remaining out of standard sight lines.
Launch laser size is determined by the length of time spent charging in hover.