8 hours, tutorial and intro work.
Gun progress, the gun glow that indicates the progress toward being eligible for a unassisted gun upgrade, no longer loops back around to being 0'ed out and no longer flickers when changed through direct variable edits.
Updated the pick up tether effect to make use of the new torus shapes rather than using planes that flew at the player.
Fixed corpses blocking turret spawn ins, they no longer care and corpses have their own standardized type.
Build and power percent now reflect the world state during the tutorial section of the game.
Shooter junk only functions as a small junk multiplier if it is a time bomb (not proximity).
Intro section, added more walkers to first introduction to the player, then a pause, then the phase where pick ups compete for the attention of the walkers with the player. This gives their introduction a little space to breath and a point of contrast for walkers ignoring the player.
Made an attempt at fixing a rare infinite loop in the launch path calculations that occurs when fliers want to know whats up. Unclear if it's actually an issue of a loop or an issue of spawning too many fliers at once that then trip breaker.
Misc fixes and polish.
Sittin', thinkin', writin'.
Combing through the older code is filling the board back up. Lots of stuff that's poorly done, going to take time to touch it up. Particularly my larger scripts where I've just been making due to get functionality first.