8 hours, save data management. A warning, I swear I’m going to be taking time off around the holidays, I talk about breaks that I don’t take a lot, but I mean it, I’m so tired.
Dramatically increasing the pace at which the game progresses by coding a new more powerful method of sorting and saving data for the player. When the player hits a save, if they have a new best PU and are in run, that PU phase data is saved and is the new PU data until overwritten, that is the only way to interact with PU data. When the player hits a save with a faster time that time is saved to the currently appropriate continuity. If that continuity is practice, and practice becomes better than run, if the player is in the play menu they must push the prac data to the run continuity with button press before they can run. This process of pushing the data is currently broken, looking to unbreak in the future.