Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #118

8 hours, save report deltas.

Added pick up delta to the save report when one exists and changed the coloration of deltas on the save report to be a darker color than the raw count / split time. Added in calculation of pick up delta compared to save. Small reorg of HUD elements to get everything to be nice and share the center.

Solved the starting portal and the play portal occasionally re hardening hardened components. Changed portal spawn to hand it variables instead of having the portal dig around on creation.

Made code dealing with game section clearer.

Reordered the save operations to smooth things out.

Doubled checked coding around split and timer calculations.

Critical data platform's launcher starts off. When the player breaks the blocker it is enabled. If the player takes it immediately they will leave the walker on the platform, it will fall into the abyss. Added a secondary condition inside of Wx1 to detect if the pad was taken early so that this does not break the stage sequence.

Project #14 Day #119

Project #14 Day #117