8 hours, tracking pick ups missed.
I have decided to track the pick ups the player has missed on a phase level. To do this pick ups are now carrying data to id the phase that they were made in. When a player collects a pick up, the player character notes the pick up collected's spawn phase in the game mode. The Game mode stores that int in an array.
At the end of each phase, the game mode copies this list into the Phase end save data (which can now carry it) and removes the listed items from the persistent array. In this way, the phase end data knows how many pick ups were acquired in the phase, and what their phases of origin are. By appending all the array stored in phase end data, we can create full list of pick ups acquired in the section. We can then sort them and compare the frequency of each int to the ideal for each phase to assist the player in evaluating their run (I have yet to hard code in the pick ups available in each phase because it is going to change).
Pick up spawned phase is tracked by phase end data and a freshly spawned pick up will assign itself the current phase for its spawn phase, unless it was spawned in and assigned one from phase end data.
Save data now has variables to hold the count of pick ups collected in each section.
Started work on populating the phase data table with information from the save data. Now displaying pick ups collect, run time, prac time and time differential, though the phase times are clearly broken.