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Project #14 Day #158

8 hours, condition relationships.

The spawn walker spawner has begun its final transformation into the generic spawn tile occupying actor function.

The function now takes an actor class input that influences the actor spawned, the base tile list being examined and the number of tiles the object is given to occupy.

The function takes a 'condition relationship' enum between each condition variable set. The enum is either 'And' or 'Or'. The variable defines each condition's relationship to the one below it. 'And' compares the two tile sets that satisfy each condition together and returns a list of tiles that satisfy both conditionals. 'Or' will return a list of the tiles found to satisfy one conditional or the other. 

Instituted an order of operations, 'Or' is handled first, then the results of all 'Or' relationships and put through the 'And' wringer. 

The function is not fully hooked up at the end of today, but all the order of operations logic is in, its is just a matter of allowing parameters to be dropped when a conditional set produces no results. Dropping conditions is slightly harder now because I have to specifically drop the lowest priority 'And', dropping a low priority 'Or' probably doesn't help anything. So a little more logic to work out.

Project #14 Day #159

Project #14 Day #157