8 hours, individual tile highlights.
Section report not longer cuts off the title text in the screen display.
Tiles now only display a player touch when the player is within a reasonable range of the arena platform. Previously the player could activate an edge tile from the away platform.
Added individual antagonist tile highlights. When something is spawned using the spawn w/ param function the tiles occupied are given a fading emissive glow. This helps evaluate spawners and walker spawns faster.
Both player and spawn location tile highlights are reset when respawning the player.
Tinkered with health bar sizes so they scale slightly with enemy size/health.
Walkers now have a launched state in which they can accept a launch speed greater their walk speed. This solves the walker not making it from the away platform.
Tweaks to hex launcher material so that it is more visible.
Away platform no longer blooms out of control on phase advance.