Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #23

8 hours. The illness is within me, its in my throat, I'm not happy. It's a little distracting. I don't think it is going to manifest much more than this though.

Today, I learned that a canvas attached to a camera doesn't change size like other objects, it alters its scale to meet the requirements I set for it. This meant that as I resized the game window all the math for objects within that canvas was going bananas. I now force objects to scale 1,1,1 when they are instantiated for relevant objects. That can't be optimal but I'm too far in right now. It took me 3-4ish hours to figure this out, gaddamn.

Main menus now adjust their text to first render out of view before sliding in, instead of rendering it a fixed distance from center. The map selection menu scales to different resolutions and made me very upset, not on speaking terms anymore. Fixed game board / map instantiation being broken at higher resolutions. Fixed character size refusing to cooperate. Fast projectile effects all broke and are now fixed. Player hit projectiles spawn again. I swear one day I'm gonna have a day where I don't fix something about the projectile tracking its touched tiles but today isn't that day.

Project #8 Day #24

Project #8 Day #22