Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #5

8 hours, very productive in the first hour and the back 3. The rest of it had some good ideas come out of it, but I was stuck thinking about things that are currently out of reach (stage wrapping and finding the perfect colors).

Corner darkening layer now stays at the bottom of the hierarchy and menus are accessible through it. Created a script that can generate a game board from tile prefabs at 16:9 and 16:10 resolutions. Worked in the small tile spacing. A scan line filter now sits over the game, which is dumb, but accurate I guess, its not perfect. Closer to having correct colors, better edge dimming layer. Game tiles are generic and are either white, black or void, functionality in limiting player movement forthcoming. Created a character controller that works off velocity and smoothdamp, seems to be a good approximation. Speed and acceleration aren't exact, but they are close. Player sizing now scales off of tile sizes, which scales off canvas size. Tile sizing seems to be just about perfect for the 20:12 board type. Took half an hour to figure out boxcollider != boxcollider2D, always fun, a modern classic. Worked on remaking my resume too, that won't be in the game though.

Project #8 Day #6

Project #8 Day #4