Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #10

8 hours, ezpz fun day. Projectiles are really coming together.

Spent the first hour giving up on understanding how the trails renderer works. Internal rotation now cares about what the player is doing and has three speeds: 40°/sec idle, 288°/sec in motion, 127°/ sec grinding against impassable terrain. Fixed the internal rotation script throwing errors. Made the player frictionless after changing the player's max speed when colliding with impassible terrain. Returned to projectile trails. Figured out how to get them to show on the display, fixed some menu weirdness that came out of that fix. Changed the projectile collider to trigger collider as that the projectile would not hitch on each tile, this was causing some deformations in the trail it leaves behind. This means I had to reconstruct how the projectile interacts with tiles to account for its new properties. The trail width and length are correct. The coloration might not be perfect. The trail also persists even after the projectile is deleted. Projectiles no longer destroy on collision with one another, instead they are destroyed if they ever occupy a tile at the same time. When this occurs, the first projectile in chooses the ultimate color of the tile.

Project #8 Day #11

Project #8 Day #9