Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #28

4 hours, dollar town, small breakthrough.

My particles have been showing up only sporadically because their place in the rendering order was too low. They now are consistently visible, solving a almost 2 week issue. The fact that everything is operating on a canvas that's scale is adjusting to meet the resolution requirements needed to accounted for in a lot of positioning math, it now is. As a result the following things are finally correct and consistent: initial position of projectiles instantiated because of a charge shot, projectiles spawn close to the player, projectile instantiation accounts for the player sitting on a tile division, tile splitters separate nicely to their corners, Player speed, projectile speed, particle spawners and projectile trail end points now sit flush against the tile edge. Player trails no longer instantiate initially off the player body. Some standardization of font sizes occurred. Projectile trails no longer wig out on a projectile teleport. A max life time was added to projectiles now that its possible to loop them through levels indefinitely.

Project #8 Day #29

Project #8 Day #27