Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #29

8 hours, nearly there. Sickness is fading but man, its been a minute with this thing.

All but two of the maps are in, those two require teleports that can operate in two directions are likely won't make it in, too many other more pressing issues are begin fixed instead. Some of the maps added today had to be modified to different orientations, or have different framing in order to fit them into my system. Maps were cleared of errors. Projectile trail widths are a consistent size. Projectile pick-ups are consistently sized. Score display menu instantiates correctly. Bullets are wiped on game round reset. Main menu back buttons aren't colored any longer. Bullets can not loop infinitely in any direction. Teleports can adjust both x and y pos values instead of one or the other.

Project #8 Day #30 - FINAL

Project #8 Day #28