8 hours, adjusting to starting over. It's become clear that I wasn't ready to leave Inversus, and I miss it. It was an enjoyable build to work in and its far harder to be starting over than continuing to improve that project. But I suppose that is why I must move on.
Reconstructed more assets, not into the stuff I found on the internet. Redungeon is damn pretty and mine is gonna be damn pretty too! Player object is now aware of surrounding tiles, takes in the data each time movement occurs. Player does not attempt to move into obstructed terrain. Player can touch coins. Touched coins disappear and instantiate a new object on the UI layer that travels toward the position of the coin counter for the current run. When coins get close they fade, increment the run total and the meta total, then destroy. Players can now fall off the stage. After movement, a ground check occurs. If there is no ground, there is a quick rise followed by a fall, the players render order is set to the bottom, and after a delay they are destroyed.