6 hours. Tekken 7 is real hype, catching up on the King of Iron Fist while I work. Podcast today, so a little off the time on this one, tiring one too. Traveling in and out of the productive zone, but not a bad day by any means.
The art harvest continues. I am conscious of rendering order for the first time, very helpful tool for 2D games. The lerp functions on the falling motion were hella busted, not any more. Player's sprite fades out during fall. Unstable platforms are in. When a player travels to one a timer starts for 2 seconds. After the first second the platform shakes and shifts to a different sprite. After 2 seconds the platform deletes itself after calling ground check on the player. UI coins now select their own color based on their value. Chests are now in the game as functional objects. When a player tries to enter a chest containing space the chest opens. Sprite changes, positions are adjusted. The chest instantiates UI coins of random values (1 -4 not exceeding contained coin amount) until the chest is empty. The instantiation point is slightly randomized.