3 hours straightening out a few kinks and we seems good to go with this one. 198 hours over the course of 30 worked day within the span of 34 consecutive day. 4 days off with an average work period length of 6.6 hours.
This one feels better to play than any of my other games. My main take away from this project is a much better understanding of how to control movement in 2D, using both vectors and rotation. Turns out you can cheat lerp a good bit and the its doesn't look like anything out the ordinary occurred as long as you are accomplishing an assumed effect. Making sure that the player can happily navigate in between and across the 5 terrain types consistently is what I am most proud of. This is not the full Redungeon experience however. The persistent elements of the game got dropped. It is possible that they would have made it in if I had chosen to use my time on coding rather than on copying the art out the game using photoshop. That process was time consuming, but it was also enjoyable and having such attractive art in the game made it much easier for me to test the game since I know what everything is supposed to look like in the actual game. It may have been a net positive that the game was pretty since it helped my work ethic. But assuming I'm a robot without feelings it would have been better for me to have focused on getting in the different character types into the game and add in the persistent elements. I just did persistent data two months ago, nothing about how this games does persistence would teach me much. And I barely got the one character working right, it might not have been feasible to think I could easily get characters like scarecrow in without any trouble, Nate could have been a good bit of work too, maybe the time goober too.
Again I have topped my most hours worked and taking only 4 days off was pretty absurd. But that was so that I could take off what might be the rest of this year to celebrate the holidays with my family (Its also because I'm an addict?). I think the next project is going to be my third tutorial heavy one, I'd like to learn about path finding, so we'll see where that takes me. If everything goes well I won't start that until the new year.
Know issue!
If you spawn a bat at the first platform config it will come say hello to you. Sorry!