6 hours, we have arrived in bug fixing hell.
The game plays, you can keep moving forward, more map generates. Yay. Just had to edit all the pre-existing tile config prefabs. Hopefully that is the last time I have to do that, its time consuming.
Coins now fly to the corner of the screen rather than to a fixed position in worldspace. Mimics are instantiated to the position of the chest that contained them instead of flying in from hella far away which admittedly was spookier. Fixed every jar giving at least one coin by fixing the payout system on them. Fixed coins refusing to spawn mid air by adding a position marker type to the platform section of the instantiator. I can use this to hold objects in empty positions. Redid UI coins. UI coins fade away rather than just vanishing. UI coins now arrive consistently at the coin counter component thanks to new movement calculations and variable control. When close they are cashed in. More dangerous tile configs incoming soon, that is where the meat of the bugs should be.