4 hours, made dollars today as well. More design work, coming up with the nobs to turn, things to upgrade, etc. Having a lot of fun with it. Locking in more of the interface today. There is now a top interface bar with a display for current money saved up, automated revenue per second and # of loyal customers. It all scales with the screen resolution, and so does the font sizing on these read outs. Also made some cutesie icons in Photoshop for different types of tea. Learning a lot about Photoshop, seems neat, also arcane. Button0 now give you 3.25$ for pressing it now. So that's cool. The numbers get bigger, phase 1.
Fine day, squeezed the hours in. Buying myself time to get my head around the design before I plunge in and start hooking things together, trying to learn a lesson from last project.