Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #7 Day #4

7 Hours. Found the peaceful piano playlist on Spotify, turns out its great. Calm day plugging away. Trying to replace having twitch open with music, should grab my attention less but I also don't get to look at other games. Won't be a total replacement but it should make me more productive. But even today I saw the Bloodborne fight with Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower and that shit was fly, I wanna copy that character into something. 

When Button 0 is pressed (the primary clickin button) it instantiates a patron. The patron walks along a lightly randomized path, through the que, to the counter. Every checkpoint has 16 points that a patron could walk to. This way patrons don't form a caterpillar conga line which looks real ugly and grabs attention. When a patron gets to the counter they pay for a drink, that money is added to the cash pile. The patron then finishes going out the que and disappears off screen where they are destroyed and added to the number of patrons in the store. If the store is full then a patron is instantiated that walks out the back door and the number of patrons does not increment up. Automatic earning exist as a factor of drink price and patrons in the store. Also reduced the rate at which the UI text refreshed because 60hz text was hurting my eyes real bad since I couldn't pick out the lower digits. Built some walls cause it looked drafty, also needed a door for the patrons.

Project #7 Day #5

Project #7 Day #3