5 hours and the podcast is already recorded as I write this, still need to edit and post it. I am pleased with the podcast this week.
Today's work consisted largely of making a new menu that will upgrade a couple of systems that are not yet in the game as of yet. Soon. Created a 4 button menu will allow players to upgrade back counter equipment to increase serving capability and assess the amount of their current capability that is in use. The menu scales with resolution and moves on and off screen. Added an x button to both menus that will cause them travel off screen, and now that I have a better idea of what the menus look like I changed them to make fuller use of the space they occupy. Both menus now have a label. Clicking on the back counter now summons the back counter upgrade menu, and the back countertop can no longer be clicked through menus. Turns out you can some functions to run while in the editor mode. That is very helpful.