Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #8 Day #1 - INVERSUS

We are back! 8 hours, first day, feels good. I managed to take a whole week off, damn, thats rare. Maybe the first time I've done it in the duration of my time learning to code. I suppose I needed it but I have been very antsy the last two days, ready to get back at this.

NEW PROJECT! Its recreating as much of Inversus as I can in a 30 day period. My personal goals are to have the fully completed menu system and the local multiplier component completed in that time. There is also a single player component that would have me figuring out how AI works. This project would need to go impossibly well for me to dig into that. Instead, I will be investing any time that the gameplay and menu systems don't require into accurately recreating the visual styling around the gameplay and the menus. This feel very doable, but so has everything I've selected, I'm excited to see where the complications will arise on this one.

My plan is to first take on the basic menuing in the game (might as well start at the beginning I suppose?) before attempting to create the gameplay component. Doing it this way should help me wrap my head around transitioning between scenes in Unity. Up til now all my projects have been single scenes and I want to break this one apart a bit more.

Day one accomplishments: Today I got the first two layers of menus created in a way that accurately captures their size and basic shape at high resolutions. The text for menu items slides in from off screen. Text changes colors based on whether a menu items is hovered or not. A few of the third layer are made as well. The main menu's buttons transition to the second layer of menus but not all second layer menus transition back yet. The basic color scheme is taken from the game, but its hard to worry too much about the menu's coloring until I do some work on the moving background. It doesn't sound like a lot of work as I type this... Project 7's emphasis on using UI has been very helpful so far, definitely learned a lot, making this portion go fast (well, for what I'm used to).

Project #8 Day #2

First Blood Update