8 hours, a-move and idle states. Taking tomorrow off. It's been 10 straight days and I'm mad lonely.
The idle state has arrived. When the player completes a move or attack move, arriving at the location of the target, the player enters the idle state. The player also starts in the idle state. No path finding is run in this state. If an enemy enters the attack range of the player, the player will execute an attack command on that enemy. If there are already enemies in attack range when the player stops, the player will target the one that is closet to it. There is also now a functional attack move. During an attack move the player paths toward a position on the ground. But if an enemy enters or already was in the player's attack range of the player, an attack command is called on that enemy. Moved off of using node h-cost to determine range from target, now using an invisible collider with a list of contained enemies. This allows me to stop calculating h-cost on currently occupied nodes and allows for more accurate range finding. Changed the final target for movement from the center of the node that was clicked, to the actual position clicked to make it look less stilted. Took some fiddling to get this complete correctly, unsure how I fixed it, tried too many things at once.