Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #10 Day #5

8 hours, first modifications are made. We have moved beyond the tutorial videos themselves and down into the youtube comments. People get real mean down here.

I have this pathfinding script, its neat. Its not really mine, I'm still working on understanding it inside and out. I understand what every line does, but I couldn't sit down an write it again... is that even valuable? That feels like a high school test mentality. I have altered it slightly to have a target position to reach that is set by right clicking. That required making sure that I reset an index int at the end of movement. Also found a couple of refinements from youtube comments, a couple simple ones are in, others I found after I was out of brain power. Those are saved for tomorrow. Starting to think about making this a moba controller.

Project #10 Day #6

Project #10 Day #4