Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #70

8 hours, jump pad readability.

Jump pad readability. Reduced ambient pulse count to old levels. Increased the visibility of small junk launches in 3 ways: small junk now takes the same launch arc as a player would, small junk becomes much brighter for a period after launch, a particle effect (like the ambient one) fires to push the junk on its way.

The walker spawner junk no longer fade through colors to indicate life time remaining, it now dissolves to indicate its timer. It's darker color scheme makes the launch indicators pop.

All particle effect pulses are brighter now.

Added a new particle effect for when the player uses the jump pad.

Finished up the save phases. All paths out of the save phases clear the screen text. Save phase 3 brought up to the modern standard. 

Player respawn clears out screen text.

Practice restarts start from the initially selected phase, not the most recent save phase.

The error hunt is endless.

Project #14 Day #71

Project #14 Day #69