Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #71

8 hours, launcher mechanics.

Changed launch events from being handled on the individual units to on the launcher itself. The following units now launch upon hit with walker spawner junk: player, small junk, basic fliers, lurkers, pick ups and walkers. The launching of homing units causes them to have their homing acceleration reduced for a duration (0'ed then lerped back up).

Rewrote how WSJ rotates into its desired position. This has eliminated an issue where WSJ located near center would flip upside down. This has also eliminated the occasional side laying WSJ.

Fixed a sign error that was causing walkers to fail to find the floor beneath movement targets just above the ground.

When a pick up is grabbed by a walkers the time till expatriation from being ignored is set to a minimum of 0.75 seconds to prevent the heart break of shooting a walker only to have the pick up it holds expire immediately on release.

Working on collisions during a launch arc leading to crazy reentry speeds. Current solution is not recalculating speed if a hit has occurred during a launch, merely re-enabling proper gravity. More work coming.

WSJ relocates small junk rather than trapping it when descending to the ground.

Project #14 Day #72

Project #14 Day #70