Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #79

8 hours, new arena floor.

I have the hexagonal tile, it takes a texture. I constructed a platform out of them, 7 layers for hex tiles.

The new floor handles its own resizing. Instead of requiring a size and a duration it only requires a layer count. If the current layer count is not equal to its desired layer count it will add or remove layers one at a time until it matches. Adding or removing a layer takes 4 seconds. During that time the platform is going to perform its action uninterrupted. The layer either lights up red and shifts down as a it dissolves. Or dissolves in and shifts into position to then pulses bright white. 

Size calculations work in an improved manner.

Calls for the old arena floor have been phases out of scripts.

The framework for phase advance celebration is in but broken. Framework for pre-sizing the arena is in but broken.

Project #14 Day #80

Project #14 Day #78