6 hours, more bugs! More good disruptive news today, also engagements tonight that cut the work short.
The hunt for minions movement concludes. Minions were having problems hitting the required path points. To fix this I found a few different spots at which the minion pathing could get cut off without being restarted, left over paths to idle state from the player controller. Minions have no idle state so those had to go. The reason that the movement was stopping so close to the goal was that the minion was making its target location unwalkable via its presence in the node. This if fixed by making it so that script still sees that node as unwalkable, but ignore that red flag if the player is also occupying that node. This exposed a new issue where traffic jams would prove fatal to the bulk of the minion wave. Because the node was still being made unwalkable, it was bouncing other minions out of follow path (fixed) and then creating situations where the node was either forever locked as unwalkable or was inaccessable, hard to tell which but it was trash.