6 hours, movement organization and attacking.
Right clicking now deselects the current unit. Allowed for the player to issue attack commands based on a enemy being within range of move + attack range. Allowed for selecting a unit to show attack range in addition to movement range. Took less than a minute of playing to see if this is in the game to discovered that I don't actually want that functionality. Duelyst cares about positioning to the point that its not useful. Commented that out.
Set up some states for units. Units are in the move, attack or complete phase. Attacking can only an done against targets in the immediate attack range (no movement required). The movement range is only displayed when a unit in movement state is selected. Attack range is displayed in attack state. In the complete stage the unit is unselectable. When a unit is in complete state it's sprite darkens. Attacking moves the unit to the complete state (even if attacking while in move). Moving changes state to attack. Bound a key to reset the state to movement. Movement can only be performed from the move state. Reorganized the cursor manage script where all this got added. Attacks deduct hit points via interfaces.