Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #11 Day #4

7 hours, interface and turns. Missing an hour because I'd rather tackle summoning additional units all at once.

Hey it turns out you can have more than one canvas in your scene which makes putting text places WAY easier than whatever I was trying to do at the start of today. Units have a standard health and attack interface which I should be able to bolt on as I make more units. When a unit takes damage via its damage function it updates its interface to reflect that. Units can now also now be destroyed by reducing their health to 0 or lower. Next turn button says hi. Forces all of one teams units to the complete state and all the other's to move. Mana is tracked as a resource that each player has. Increments up correctly, refreshes on new turn. When one of the two generals is destroyed the game ends. There is declarative victory text. From this state if the next turn button is pressed the scene is reloaded. The occupied tile is cleared when a unit is destroyed so that it can be reoccupied.

Project #11 Day #5

Project #11 Day #3