6 hours, minion abilities and casting. Shorter day to get out a bit.
Healing minion is in, what a doozy. On summon for a unit there is check to see if it is going to cast an effect, healer does. This puts the cursor into a minion cast state. Targetable positions are highlighted. Clicking an empty position completes the minion summon and wiffs the effect. Clicking an occupied position passes a command to fire the unit effect back to the unit with the occupier as the target. The minion then adjusts the target's stats. The stat display updates. Cursor always resets to default. Highlights are removed. Fixed an issue where going from highlighting one card to highlighting another would dull the whole hand. Fixed frenzy units double attacking on target. Got rid of a second unit script I was maintaining for no reason. Victory text is now a field and not hard coded. Provoke is now in the game and functioning from what I can tell, didn't take notes on the specifics. Was trying to make sure I finished it in time for the day.