Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #12 Day #8

7 hours, E works. Stressing about this job reply, but the longer they take looking at it the better right?

Worked through the bugs today of getting E up and running. E is registered as a button press on the keyboard changing the cursor from a move issuing state to an E targeting state. Left clicking a target then changes cursor state back to move targeting and sets the unit selected into e casting state. In this state, the unit will close distance on the target until it is in range. Once in range, the unit moves to an uninterruptible state and commits to the audacious charge coroutine. It generates an AoE and after the distance is traveled, anything inside the AoE takes damage. Damage is taken correctly but public variables aren't reflecting that damage intake which is bothering me. Tomorrow gotta get auto attacks all hooked in. Stop units from pushing each other around. Set up some new state types (E shouldn't be uninterruptible, it should be labeled as a dash).

Project #12 Day #9

Project #12 Day #7