Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #12 Day #19

7 hours, W and passive fixing. I will likely not be working tomorrow or the next day, attempting to sneak in a D&D day session with a player in England and then I have an interview the following day that will wipe out my desire to work.

Duelist's Spirit, the revised W, is now in. It is a unit target line AoE that slows and challenges one target enemy and all enemies in between. The spell has a tenth of a second cast point during which a capsule collider is instantiated and aimed to engulf the caster and the target. This trigger notes what objects it contains and effects them. To get this working I had to fix the way I was dealing with lists in the new passive. Both the slow and the challenge appear to be working as intended. Challenge debuffs are distributed by Three Talon Strike and Duelist's Spirit. Audacious charge was bug ridden to the point of unusability, it now functions even better than default Xin's. Three Talon Strike still had script reference issues. Fixed passive stack incrimination, now only striking an opponent that is not currently thrilling Xin will cause him to gain Thrill of the Fight stacks (he enjoys variety).

Project #12 Day #20

Project #12 Day #18