Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #18

7 hours, gem conversion to turret. One of the fingers is starting to hurt again, we'll see if I have to take time off for it.

Made a model for this turret, thinking about how its going to function. Now that walkers can grab gems, if three walkers are touching a gem for 1.5 seconds, the gem is encased in a turret. If the number of touching walkers ever dips below 3 the timer resets. After that 1.5 seconds a turret is spawned after the walkers have been moved out of the way. These three walkers are then assigned to the turret as trackers. Walkers that touch the constructed turret contribute to its build progress. Once this progress is complete, all trackers are reset to following the player. The tower calls for up to three tracks so long as it is incomplete. Tracker assignment was moved off tick, that was overkill.

Kinda feel like this day got away from me. This is all pretty new to me, and that's good, but its been a while since I had to leave a day's work so incomplete. A lot of this functionality is quite buggy. I'll be sorting it out tomorrow with interfacing I think.

Project #13 Day #19

Project #13 Day #17