Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #19

7 hours, turret interactions and creation.

I fixed and then unfixed a bug where turret constructing walkers would never be released from pursuing the tower. I'm pissed. Walkers more consistently interact with gems. The turrets have a gem in them that travels up the tower indicating build progress. Turrets prettied up. Created interfaces for trackable and grabable actors, they are implemented. Updated damagable interface to pass data about what has been overlapped. Reduced walker spawner health so the player can remove them with a single burst. Turrets have 4 weak point during construction, removing all 4 will cause the turret to be destroyed. Once constructed, the gem inside a turret exposed and becomes the new vulnerability (accesses new health pool). Gems spawn with a random velocity. Gems have a brief period before they have their homing behavior. 

Project #13 Day #20

Project #13 Day #18