Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #20

7 hours, turrets now a threat. Days off are coming. Starting to think about this project as 30 days of creating things, then I'll take maybe another 15 to organize them into a challenging and entertaining sequence?

Walkers are released from tracking a turret once they have finished constructing it. Turrets can shoot once constructed in full. Each time a turret fires its rate of attack increases. Made projectiles obvious (for all enemies). Moved fliers onto a single material so make them easier to track. Gems and fliers now use different colors for clarity sake. Working on having walkers that touch gems stop targeting the player and grab the gem instead (thought I had it done, I don't). Fixed walker spawners dropping on other spawners. Flying shooters stop firing when killed. Working on pace, figuring out whats overwhelming, how easy should it be to collect gems, so on.

Project #13 Day #21

Project #13 Day #19