Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #13 Day #45

8 hours, balancing for phase 3. Evo starting tomorrow!!

Phase 4 tightened way up, smaller pauses and pauses close if the players is fast. Phase 3 transition conditions care about basic fliers to not punish players who get lucky spawns on the spawners. Sky resets on death. Shooters are polite when asking for walkers. Homing projectiles deal 200 damage each and deal it over time like gun 2 alt. Homing projectiles select new targets when their current targets are dead. No more calls for dome movement before dome is ID'ed. Lurk shyness triggers at closer range now. Max lurk shyness distance to prevent these crazy unfair 30 second turns. Phase 10 works. Ideas for phases 11 and 12, roughed out 11. Doing math to figure out how many pick ups are possible on what phases. Laser doesn't hit other projectiles making it WAY better, gotta re balance content for that. Spawners have more exposed vulnerabilities.


Project #13 Day #46

Project #13 Day #44