8 hours, shooter actually fixed. I'm getting the feeling that this is going to be a two month project.
The flying shooter is fixed, for real for real. Should no longer be possible for walker spawner spawn request to fizzle. Pick up count now displayed as a counter on screen. Shooters cannot call the same walker as a tracker multiple times. Focusing on phases now. Phase 6 now has a more forgiving set of trigger conditions. Phase 7 moves far faster and introduces shooters earlier. Smoothed the transition out of phase 7 to allow for some field clean up to avoid punishing players for prioritizing the shooters (which they should be). Rewrote a couple phases to ensure that the phase count correctly indicated the number of combative phases encountered (removed delay phases). Added a new phase of flyer spawners, one and two vuln, mixed with walker spawners. Balancing the alt fire on gun 2 to be an effective building killer.