Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #9

8 hours, progress bars and pause menus. Hi, I'm back.

Prettied up the progress bars for pick ups, turrets and shooters by drawing up some simple borders for them. Spent a long time learning how to not doing things with widgets. These progress bars only show up when the game is on easy. Restarting in practice wipes these bars off the screen. Post play menu displays time in minutes and seconds, not raw seconds. the game pauses during non-tutorial gameplay using 'esc', '~' or 'p'. Pausing on easy pulls a largely transparent black image to dim the screen and indicates the pause with text and binding reminders. Pausing on hard pulls up an opaque black image to obscure the view and the rest of that stuff. The player can exit to the main menu from a pause by pressing 'm'. 

Project #14 Day #10

Project #14 Day #8