8 hours, W.S. and F.S. junk. Recent days off have been to run Technoir, but they have not been proving to be particularly restful, more days off may be coming?
Walker spawner junk rotates to face the last created walker spawner junk (if it is invalid it points center). This leads to the player being able to ride a series of launches, as launch trajectories now throw the player toward this location. Walker spawner junk now must be shot (break small health threshold) before the player can fire a beam during the launch. Upside, if the junk hasn't been shot, it won't be consumed on use. Flyer spawner junk spawns a wave at the end of its tipping over. F.S. junk now takes damage and on threshold breaks it will release a wave of flyers. This junk type now hangs around for one fewer phases. Made player launch mechanics consistent across all means of entry. Reorganized the player character's tick function to be more readable. Organizing thoughts in meat space.