Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #27

8 hours, tidying up.

Redid the collision layers, everything seems to be opperating the same again. This was to make it easier to look for just friendly or enemy units now that friendly components are entering the game. Cut the damage pulse that gets generated by walkers touching walker spawner junk now that walkers should always be able to get onto the junk with the player. Walkers shouldn't be idling any more when their target is out of reach. Walkers have reduced speed while the player is launched. Using the launch beam does not dramatically effect the player's landing position. Basic fliers track if they are been seen by the player yet. If they get close to player before they are seen they will bounce off the player once before being able to do damage. Thinking about replacing that functionality already. 

Project #14 Day #28

Project #14 Day #26