Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #30

8 hours, launch laser interactions and portal. Might take the next two days off.

Launch laser interacts correctly with structures that have multiple vulnerabilities. For flier spawners and turrets that are incomplete the laser will damage the vulns order of closest to the player until the building is destroyed. Damage dealt per tick is still based off max health. Max health for these structures is now an accurate representation of the health across their various vulns. Laser interacts with FS junk.

FS junk flier spawns get stuck far less. All instances of the FS junk spawning a wave use the same code.

Fliers no longer deal damage while dead.

Created a portal that is particularly ugly. It has an outer rim that constructs at a rate that matches the player's progress to gun 2, and an inner rim that does so to match progress from gun 2 to gun 3. It also has a door that currently cannot be summoned, but that door has all the functionality of the goal summoned at the end of phase 15 (triggers a victory state). The portal is summoned whenever the player is and is cleared in field clears.

Project #14 Day #31

Project #14 Day #29