8 hours, critical data rework. Had to take yesterday off due to sickness. I'm pulling out of it now, well enough to continue working.
Rewrote how the critical data object handles a number of things. Counting hits is done via affect health rather than on hit. Reconfigured collision. Detecting player proximity no longer done through collider overlap. Rewrote all of how guiding HUD elements are handled. The door no longer teleports to the origin to ascend.
The critical data object is getting converted to a power blocker, critical data will be moved elsewhere to be held hostage as the ultimate goal of the game.
Reconstructed the housing with new materials. The materials no longer display the control guidance images, those have been moved onto the HUD and only appear when the player is close and has a direct line of the sight on the door. New materials fade out so that walls can dissolve post blocker destruction.
Last step adjusted to shooting the blocker, from walking up to touch the data. Target is highlighted with a HUD element. Added a placeholder beam to the apparatus that extends to the floor once the blocker is destroyed.
When walkers fall, they die. I wrote this a long time ago I guess, but it wasn't accessible.