Where I track my Progress and logged hours.

Where you can obtain my completed projects and steal my rules for First Blood.

Project #14 Day #331

9 hours, stage timers.

Almost got to implementation today. But the in process of moving all the stage time lengths from hard coded nodes into a library I released that I was setting myself up to work in a clunky work around system. I tried to make clever solution with the tools provided by Unreal for most of the day and I’ve now decided that I’ll write something custom with my own enums and what have you in a custom actors. They don’t have a great way for me to organize, access and edit a few hundred map entries, I’ll make that for myself.

The node clutter is coming down. It’ s very encouraging to see.

Tomorrow might be my last day for a while, gonna do the vacation thing.

Project #14 Day #332

Project #14 Day #330